Liz Pead

Liz Pead



Ontario College of Art and Design
Bachelor of Fine Art, OCAD Medal Winner, Painting and Drawing 2007, Dean's List, Honours Distinction.

New Brunswick College of Craft and Design 1990 –1995
Fabric Surface Design; Diploma in Fine Craft, 1993.
Textiles; Diploma in Fine Craft, Director’s List, 1995.

selected exhibitions and residencies

Feb 9 2019 - May 12, 2019 - Power Play:Hockey in Contemporary Canadian Art.  Curated by Jaclyn Meloche and organized by the Art Gallery of Windsor, other dates to be confirmed, catalogue forthcoming with Rodman Hall opening Fall 2019. Touring exhibition with other dates to be confirmed, until 2021.

Aug 2018 - Jan 2019 - Hard Twist 13: thread, The Gladstone Hotel Annual Textile Art Exhibition. I am the invited artist and was on the jury.

Sept - Oct 2017 miniTEX17 juried Textile Triennale of Dansk Tekstillaug (Danish Textile Guild) touring Nikolai Kunst og Design in Kolding DK, Sept 16 - Oct 1, 2018 and Galleri Krebsen in Copenhagen, DK Oct 7th-28, 2018. 3pieces from Stitched Landscape Series.

Aug 23 2017 - Jan 8, 2018 Hard Twist 12 : Yarn,The Gladstone Hotel Annual Textile Art Exhibition, 26 pieces from the Stitched Landscape Series.

Jan 18, 2017- ongoing - Pussy Hat Project, in support of the Women’s March on Washington on Jan 21st, 2017, I completed 18 by the 21st for the sister march here in Toronto. Still knitting and I am nearing somewhere near 100 going to USA, across Canada and Europe.

Nov 2016 -“Stitched Landscape Series”, the Gynocratic Art Gallery, online project, curated by Dr. Danielle Hogan. The GAG link to exhibition.

Aug 24- Oct 7 2016 - (un)Defined Spaces, exhibition at Lonsdale Gallery with Patrice Charbonneau. 45 landscape works of stitched drawings on industrial metal meshes.

July 11-15, 2016 - Heriot Watt University, Scottish School of Textiles, “Advanced Machine Knitting Techniques.” Galashiels, Scottish Borders, Ursula Rautenbach.

June 21 - 24, 2016 - Weaving and Knitting with Copper Wire. Workshop with Ottawa-area master weaver Sayward Johnson.

Mar-2016-Apr.2016 - The Great Canadian Tree Warmer Project at Owl Ridge Acres. Exhibited “The Sweetest Game”. 13 knitted hockey jerseys with stitched crests, installed outside in a Maple Sugar Bush. YouTube link to short video I made.

July-Oct 2015 - Parks Canada, Batoche National Historic Site, Batoche Saskatchewan. One-woman exhibition in the gallery at the Visitor’s Centre of “Louis Riel and the Church at Batoche, 1885” and other works.

November 2014 - World of Threads, Canadian Textile Biennale, Oakville and Mississauga, Nov 1-29. “Louis Riel and The Church at Batoche, 1885”, purchased, by the Town of Oakville for the new Sixteen Mile Creek Sports facility.

Sept-Oct 2014 - miniTEX14, juried Triennale exhibition of the DanskTexstillaug (Danish Textile Guild) touring exhibition Nikolai Kunst og Design, Kolding, DK and the Rundetaarn in Copenhagen, DK. Publication forthcoming.

May 2014 - Textilsetur Islands - Month-long residency in Blonduos exploring history, patterns and materials of Icelandic art and textiles. Awards: Ontario Arts Council International Residency award ($1500), Toronto Arts Council Project Grant ($5000)

Jan 16-Feb 28, 2014 Breaking the Ice, Estevan Art Gallery and Museum, solo exhibition of large-scale recycled hockey gear installation paintings, including “Louis Riel and the Church at Batoche. 1885” and the sound-sculptural piece “Riel on Ice.”

April 29 2010 – June10 2010 “HockeyTown,”Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba,
Brandon, MB, at the 2009 Mastercard Memorial Cup, Circulated byMacLaren Art Centre, Barrie, ON.

selected publications

The Hockey News, Matt Larkin, (March 13, 2016) Interview Matt Larkin for The Hockey News about my work and the new work at the Sixteen Mile Arena Complex “Louis Riel and the Church at Batoche” 

Toronto Star Michael Woods, Sports Section,“The Art of Hockey”, pg S4-S5,March 17, 2012.

The New York Times. How Flin Flon Explains the World: Street Hockey and Bill Barilko. Dave Bidini. Hockey blog, Sept 30, 2010, 1:50pm. Article

Bidini, Dave + Fraser, Sandra; HOCKEYTOWN / Liz Pead, Liss Platt, Leah Modigliani, 16 pages, MacLaren Art Centre co-published with Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba and the Latcham Gallery, 2010.ISBN 978-0-9813871-1-6.

Toronto Star, E16 Hockey As Art, Galleries Probe the Nation’s Pastime. Peter Goddard,Saturday, December13th, 2008.

selected collections and awards

Björninn Hockey, Egilshollin. Reykjavik Iceland

Skautafélag Akureyrar, Akureyri, Iceland.

Canadian Embassy to Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Chine Drive Public School, Toronto.

Adam Beck Public School, Toronto, Ontario.

Clinton St. Public School, Toronto, Ontario.

IESO, Toronto.

Paliare Roland, Toronto.

McCarthy’s, Toronto.

IcePlex Arena, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Skautafélag Reykjavikur, Reykjavík, Iceland.

The Donovan Collection, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto.

Town of Oakville, Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, Oakville, Ontario.

Mary Diamond Butts Award for Excellence in Embroidery, Craft Ontario (2017)

Toronto Art Council Project Grant Award $5000.00 (2014)

Ontario Arts Council International Residency Award $1500.00 (2014)

National Art Museum of Sport - Honourable Mention, International Juried Sport in Art Competition. Indiana Staue University at Purdue. (2010)

OCADU - Medal in Drawing and Painting, BFA, Distinction Honours. (2007)

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